WARNING: This 2-Day VIRTUAL Intensive Helps Visionaries, Creators, Experts & Leaders...
Stop Denying Your Calling, and 100% Own Your Undeniable GREATNESS Instead of Hiding From It All...
Powerfully Lead In Business, Family & Life with Unwavering Certainty and Unqestionable Integrity...
Embrace Your God-Given Gifts, Talents, Skills & Strengths So You Can Ultimately Leverage It All to Create Meaningful Results...
Become 'UNSTOPPABLE' Inside of Creating Wealth for Yourself & Your Family - and Get Paid Extremely Well For Your Passions...
And so much more...Because all of the above is merely the beginning of what this experience unlocks for you...
2-Day Soul Purpose Intensive September 12-13, 2024
Registration Deadline: 11:59pm Pacific Sept 2, 2024
Founder of Wake Up Warrior
There is a destination that is calling to you.
You can see it, feel it and your soul aches for it.
There is a desire inside of you that wants to pull you forward to an island of limitless expansion beyond the sea of scarcity.
And yet you keep finding yourself stranded on the beach of your own disbelief.
You know that your island is out there…But its presence seems to mock you daily.
Hidden from your eyes…Even as it consumes your mind.
A fantasy island that only seems to mirror back all your fears.
Even though you may be a member of this movement called Warrior…
Even though you face your facts every quarter…
Even though you’ve established your Impossible Game inside of Fact Map Masterminds…
Your island in the distance still seems beyond the reach of who you are right now.
And you’d be right.
It is…
And it always will be.
Who I was over 9 years ago had no fucking clue on how to…
To build my own castle on the beach.
That version of me was lost inside his lies and still believing all the stories the world kept placing upon him…
Stories that stole his authentic power.
I had to gain a deep dive understanding of my TRUE POTENTIAL and capacity for POWER.
This is the same path you must follow if you want to unlock the power to take your life vision from dream to reality.
The facts of today and where you want to go tomorrow are one thing…
“Who must you become to get what you REALLY WANT?”
It’s inside the answer to this Real & Raw question where you find yourself requiring a different level of fuel to fire up your transformation.
Finding your Soul Purpose provides the drive that keeps your vision alive even in the midst of the death of how you used to be…Or who you are today.
The burning question you must ask yourself now is this…
“Will you BE YOU and liberate yourself?”
You Will Never Stack (Lasting) Massive Value In Your Life When You Don't Value Yourself At Your Core…
It’s true…
There’s a story inside of you that keeps making shit too damn hard on yourself.
Because there’s a piece inside of you that simply refuses to get paid for your natural genius.
You find it nearly impossible to accept the fact that the gifts, talents and skills that seem so damn easy to you are worth big fucking money.
PLUS, the entire world around you has been downplaying your capabilities since Day ONE!
They talk shit and poison your mind with vicious lies that leave you feeling uncertain, weak and powerless to charge your worth.
And even when you have the courage to share your fearless flow and genetic genius…
What do you do?
You discount yourself…
No wonder the shackles of scarcity keep you in prison.
Because you’ve never truly given yourself the permission to BE THE MIRACLE YOU ARE.
But here’s the brutal truth.
The world never gave you the tools, the awareness, or the fucking support that would allow you to SEE AND OWN YOUR TRUE IDENTITY.
This is why the Soul Purpose Blueprint was created in the first place.
And it’s why we knew a LIVE, Highly Immersive 2-Day Experience like The Soul Purpose Intensive would guarantee you accelerate your discoveries.
Because the breakthroughs you’d discover on your own inside an on-demand curriculum simply can’t compare to what you’ll tap into inside the Intensive.
You’ll be running side by side with fellow Warriors inside a protected space and environment that allows you to go much deeper inside of your real & raw revelations.
The Soul Purpose Blueprint fueled by a 2-Day Intensive sets you up for success.
All so you can go face to face with the most critical question you must answer…
“Why won’t you get paid for who you really are?”
We take a deep dive into that answer (and far more) inside the Soul Purpose Intensive Experience so you can access the drive that allows you to FEEL ALIVE.
Maybe for the FIRST TIME EVER.
Because it’s time for you to stop hiding your natural genius…
So you can FINALLY Get Paid for YOUR POWER.
Once You FULLY Embrace Yourself and Your Undeniable Greatness...
Now let me address something that you might be thinking right now when it comes to this topic of finding and owning your Soul Purpose.
A story inside of your head that is doing its absolute best to fuck with you…
To prevent you from GOING ALL IN and attending the Soul Purpose Intensive.
It’s the story that this is all just more of that, “woo woo, airy-fairy, unicorn bullshit.”
And I get it.
I used to believe the same thing for years.
But what you’ll experience inside of your Soul Purpose Intensive isn’t what you’ll expect.
No drum circles, incense, or crystals from Sedona are required.
There will be no fucking chanting either.
What you will experience is a practical, tactical, and logical system that guides you through a process of hardcore self-discovery.
And this process is way beyond the elevation of just your money game…
Although it will allow you to unleash abundance in ways that seem fucking unreal.
This is where you secure access to crystal clear clarity that allows you to reveal the real-world actions that serve your eternal expansion across Body, Being, Balance and Business…
Rather than leave you lost in loops of fantasy and the bullshit of “acting busy.”
After the Soul Purpose Intensive, you’ll find yourself in a place where you tap into your natural passions and unleash a Warrior Time Warp of Elite Levels of Production.
Every day you’ll find yourself in states of flow that have you getting more done with less effort and never leaving you feeling worn out or exhausted.
So do yourself a favor and leverage this high-intensity, high-impact experience and put yourself way ahead of the curve as a creator & leader.
Do not overlook the liberating power of this event.
The Voice is already telling you to go.
Don’t ignore it.
A Vision Without A Soul Purpose Leads To Confusion, Overwhelm, And Frustration…
Your Soul Purpose Intensive Experience will lead you to radical revelations that unlock limitless power.
A virtual experience that allows you to connect & engage with your Warrior brothers and sisters at a deeply profound level inside of mind-bending, belief-building breakout sessions.
By now I hope you can see that when you make your decision to attend The Soul Purpose Intensive…
You are accessing something far greater than the typical personal growth hacks.
You have the chance to access the very fucking definition of who you are supposed to be.
And by getting absolutely clear with your “X-Factor” and activating your Soul Purpose Blueprint…
You invite the one thing you may have been missing all along.
It is that certainty that transforms the vision in your head into a Prophecy of Profits.
You KNOW what is to come…
Because you finally KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
Secure your exclusive seat for The Soul Purpose Intensive on this page.
It’s your time for you to rediscover who you’ve been called to be…
It’s time for you to fulfill the promise of your potential as a divine creator.
It’s time for you to REMEMBER…
So you can RISE!
Garrett J. White
Founder of Wake Up Warrior,
Author of the WarriorBox,
Creator of the WarriorApps,
Guide of the WarriorMaps.
Right Now
Your 4-Step Pre-Training Protocol is directly linked up to your deadline to secure your seat.
Because it’s the only way to give you ample time to Become 100% PREPARED and Ready to Create, Design, and Battle-test Your Personal Soul Purpose Blueprint during your 2-Day Intensive…
So do not take this lightly…Attack it with urgency exactly as instructed inside, and commit yourself to making the small time investment of 5-7 hours that it requires.
(Unless you want to enter the intensive being behind the curve, and severely limit the profit-pulling impact of this experience…)
Day 1
Find your definitions of natural power so you can stop fighting against yourself and learn to access effortless production daily!
Day 2, Part 1
You’ll discover how to transform the Rules that are running your daily life and how you can start “Acting” from your role as THE Leader Of Your Life!
Day 2, Part 2
Bring everything together as you define the Ultimate Problem your calling solves…And RISE as the Perfect Solution so you can Finally Thrive Limitlessly!
WARNING: Once You Complete This 2-Day Soul Purpose Intensive...
What used to seem like only a far-off dream inside of your ultimate vision…
Will suddenly become a reality that is right around the corner.
For once you unlock the certainty of your Soul Purpose…
You now possess the keys to building your kingdom with ease, speed, and fucking pleasure!
And when you’re driven by Soul Purpose, your daily work inside of Your Warrior’s Way becomes relentless and effortless…
Backed by certainty and power that comes from a deep peace of mind.
Because your Soul Purpose is the arrival of who you are supposed to be on this earth.
Operating as a high achiever fueled by your Soul Purpose allows you finally find that permission to radically accept ALL OF YOU…
So you can HAVE IT ALL.
This is your time to leave the shores of scarcity forever and sail away to your island of purpose-driven, life-changing profits.
All because you finally allowed yourself to DO THE THINGS THAT SET YOU FREE.
You weren’t called here to simply exist and survive your time on this earth.
You were called to thrive as you LIVE FROM YOUR VOICE.
Your Soul Purpose is waiting for you to arrive…
And you already know there is something you need to let the fuck go of…
Something that’s still holding you back from accepting your role as the leader you’ve been called to BE and play inside of your Soul Purpose.
I invite you to make your stand now and register for the next Soul Purpose Intensive.
Because it’s time you stopped going to war to hold onto everything that no longer serves you.
It’s time for you to go to war for WHAT YOU WANT NOW…
And for many years to come.
LIVE 2-Day Immersive Workshop Experience
Thursday, Sept 12, 2024 - Friday, Sept 13, 2024
Starts at 9 am PST Each Day, and Ends ≈6 pm
Location: Virtually Powered by Zoom
Replays: Available Within 7 Days
Your Investment: Ticket Is Yours For Just $500 $247
5-7 Hours of Pre-Training Required; Inclusive of You Completing 3rd-Party Assessments (Additional Cost of Roughly $182 Applies)